Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Multiracial Malaysia

Malaysia is a nation with people that conforms to many believes and customary. That alone makes Malaysia unique in its true sense. The peace and harmony that existed all along between the many races are currently in jeopardy and for that, we need to thank the politicians and the politically/religiously inclined NGOs. Please don't just blame this to the opposition or the current ruling government. All including the current government, the opposition and NGOs are to be blamed for this as they all played a part in this. 
Race, as we all know in the context of Malaysia has a direct relationship to religion. So lets look at that in an open heart. There is no answer as to which religion is the true religion as every religion says it is true and the other is just well the other. 

Based on my analogy this argument cannot be won and it would only create war as 1. the human ego would never allow us to give in to something we hold so dearly easily, 2. political movement that conforms to the mass believe would use it to remain in power and 3. a believe system cannot be altered unless a stronger argument against the current believe is put forward. 

As a human we are strongly being indoctrinated into believing on some form of system that we call religion. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and the many more alike are a form of believe system. Therefore this believe system cannot be easily altered unless a very strong argument against the current believe exists.However, if we look deeper into each religion, we can break up what religion say into two distinctive category. 

The first is what religion say about God, particularly on how we approach God and what happens when we die. All our praying rituals, customary, the form of God and the name in which we use to call God falls in this category. The second is what religion say about living morally. What is being morally right from wrong. The thought of talk no evil, speak no evil and see no evil falls in this category. 

So my point is, though all religion differs dramatically on the first category but somehow they concur each other vehemently on the second category. I practice Hinduism, and I am sure my friends whom are Christians or Muslims would not get angry with me, if I told them don't steal and harms others, but they would certainly be angry if I told them that going to Church or Mosque is wrong. Same thing would happen if they did the same to me. 

Therefore I choose to respect the believe of other peoples religion on the first category above and not question it but dwell our relationship further to work and help each other on the basis of the second category.

For the sake of this nation I appeal to individuals with power to let it go. War and hatred among races is detrimental to everyone because Malaysia is where it is today not because of the doings of one person but the effort of the masses. 

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